Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hey !

Welcome to my Blog! This is where you will know of some of the events happening in my Life. For those of you who do not know me,as of now I have completed my Bachelor's in Engineering (B.E) and I have also completed my Master's in Computer Science at "The University of TULSA" . I'm a Lover of God, Lover of my Family, Lover of Cricket. Profession-wise, I am a Oracle Hyperion Consultant I work with helping clients with their Expense and Revenue Planning, Forecasting & Profitability and Cost Managemen

I Love God very much and my sole purpose in life is to get to know God more and fulfill the Will of God in my Life. I will be posting lot about my own life, about God , & also some blogs on Hyperion and stuff I work with on my Hyperion Blog. Please feel free to visit my Blog at your convenience.

Watch this video about a boy named Logan who called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf. His words have wisdom beyond his years. Since airing the audio of the phone call and now the making of the video clip, it has taken on a life of its own. People are forwarding it all over the world. I encourage you to Listen to it. Be Blessed.

Feel free to visit my other blogs : My Hyperion Blog  and  Spiritual Food for Thought  I have just put in an article on Is there a God ? and the DEVIL and also Is Pornography Really wrong ?

Before you go I would like to share with you about something very important. Please take sometime to read my post on Easter (Below this post). Feel Free to email me at :

My Story

While I was growing up our family regularly attended church where I learned about God. But I became very disillusioned with the church and organized religion as I observed the inconsistencies in the lives of many. All of those years I had head knowledge about God, but I never grasped how to know Him personally. I had a little religion but no relationship.

As a teenager, I thought I was a person who knew everything. I came from a well-off family and thought that I had all that I needed but deep inside I was not really satisfied. The philosopher, Pascal, once said, “There is a God shaped void in the heart of every man that can only be filled by God Himself through His Son Jesus Christ.” I was trying to fill this emptiness in my life and find a sense of purpose through pornography, friends, sports and wealth. Outwardly my life may have appeared successful and fulfilling, but inwardly I was very empty and searching for purpose.

When I was in my 6th standard in high school I got a shocking news that really shook me to the core. I was told my good friend Umesh had an accident and died, and for the first time I began to search and ask serious questions about life.

Shortly after this incident I attended a Sunday school camp where the guest speaker gave a talk about God's love and Forgiveness; it was as though the Lord was speaking directly to me. She then shared that God created us to love Him and enjoy a relationship with Him forever; but because God is a Holy God and because He is a Just God, our sins have separated us from God and none of our good deeds or efforts will ever save us. That day God drew me to Himself and I was convicted and repented of my sins and by faith prayed to receive Jesus Christ into my life. I began to cry and cry because God revealed to me how sinful I was and despite of this, how much He still loved me.

The Lord filled the emptiness I always had and gave me a new sense of purpose and direction. I also gained a certainty that I would spend eternity Glorifying Him in heaven. However life has not always been easy and my problems did not all go away, but I now have a security in knowing I am deeply loved by the Lord, completely forgiven, totally accepted by God, and absolutely complete in Christ.

My ambition in life is to know Him and make Him known. Please read the following pages with an open mind and open heart and ask God to speak to you…,"You will seek me and find me if you search for me with all of your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

Jesus Among Other Gods

Your heart and my heart are terribly wicked. How do you obtain salvation ? Why Jesus and not other Gods?
Watch this video of Ravi an ordinary Indian boy who was at one point considering suicide but now by God's Grace transformed share about Jesus among other God's