Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hey !

Welcome to my Blog! This is where you will know of some of the events happening in my Life. For those of you who do not know me,as of now I have completed my Bachelor's in Engineering (B.E) and I have also completed my Master's in Computer Science at "The University of TULSA" . I'm a Lover of God, Lover of my Family, Lover of Cricket. Profession-wise, I am a Oracle Hyperion Consultant I work with helping clients with their Expense and Revenue Planning, Forecasting & Profitability and Cost Managemen

I Love God very much and my sole purpose in life is to get to know God more and fulfill the Will of God in my Life. I will be posting lot about my own life, about God , & also some blogs on Hyperion and stuff I work with on my Hyperion Blog. Please feel free to visit my Blog at your convenience.

Watch this video about a boy named Logan who called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf. His words have wisdom beyond his years. Since airing the audio of the phone call and now the making of the video clip, it has taken on a life of its own. People are forwarding it all over the world. I encourage you to Listen to it. Be Blessed.

Feel free to visit my other blogs : My Hyperion Blog  and  Spiritual Food for Thought  I have just put in an article on Is there a God ? and the DEVIL and also Is Pornography Really wrong ?

Before you go I would like to share with you about something very important. Please take sometime to read my post on Easter (Below this post). Feel Free to email me at :