Monday, January 17, 2011


January 2011

My Favorite gifts.

June-July 2009 (London)

My Second trip to London, first time on work, nothing looked different from last time. Thoroughly enjoyed the weekends going shopping and visiting places.
Loved Hillsong London and Emmanuel London Church.Click Here for more Picz.

But through it all I saw so many 'Lost' people, it is a burden.
God I pray that people will turn away from their ways and look to you, not thinking of temporary pleasure but Look at eternity and the One who gives life and gives it more abundantly.

I just can't wait for the day when "..every knee will bow and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Philippians 2:10-11

September-December 2007

These are the pictures taken during my Graduation, the camp at Bear Trap and many other events during this period. Click here for all the Pictures.

April-August 2007

Hey all , I know most of you'll must have been wondering what i've been up to all this while. Well i've finally decided to upload some of my latest snaps. CLICK HERE to see picz taken while I was in New York, California and back home in India . Therez lots to see so enjoy ! God Bless.

January-March 2007

December-January 2007

Mummy and Daddy USA 2006

Tulsa September-October 2006

Click on this for Pictures taken during Freshers Party,Bowling and Concerts i've been in (Third Day,Jeremy Camp,David Crowder Band and more........)

Check out the VIDEO at the CONCERTS !!!

Tulsa August 2006

Click Here for pictures takin durin the first 25 days of my stay at TULSA.

Good Old Times